Stairs or Ramp for Porch

by Larry

I have a cottage that I would like improve with a new entrance to the house.

There is an existing seven foot wood porch with three steps to the ground. I would like to build a porch with a ramp instead of stairs.

Do you have any suggestions as I try to design the plans?

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Dec 26, 2009
Avoid Ramps if its Optional
by: Anonymous

A wheelchair ramp is much harder to build than stairs.

Here is the reason why. Most codes for wheelchair ramps call for a 1" drop per foot.

So if your doorway is 3' high then you need a 36 foot ramp and in most cases that is too far for one stretch.

You have to add at least one landing or two for a turn around. It is usually 4'x8'. If stairs are the option go with it.

Oh yeah, you will never have to figure out the stair formula again if you visit:

This new tool is cool and easy to understand, I might even advertise it on this page after the website is operational the first week of February.

Jan 09, 2009
Building a Ramp
by: Rich Bergman - Editor

If you plan to build a ramp as the entrance to your house you should find out the appropriate slope so you can determine how far out the run will extend.

You may want to have it run alongside your porch rather than perpendicular depending on the length of the run.

If you plan on building a ramp that is compliant with the building code for wheel chair access you definitely should find out the maximum slope.

Otherwise a ramp is a fairly simple structure to construct. Hope that helps.

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