Spacing of the last two deck boards

by Tim
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

Deck boards are not parallel with the rim joist.

Deck boards are not parallel with the rim joist.

Just finishing last 2 boards, and I have a spacing problem. I have not fastened down the last 5 boards so I could do some adjustments.

As you see in the pic, I have about 9" at the brick (the side of the house), and 6 1/2" at the other end, so it's out of whack. What are my options?

1. 1 regular 6x 16 board and rip another board 3" one edge, and 1/2 " other edge?

2. rip 2 boards, 4 1/2" on one edge, and 3 1/4" other edge?

3. Can I build a skirt so the last boards won't look stupid?

Thanks a ton!

Editor's Comments

One question I have is whether the deck was framed out of square or the boards were installed improperly and gradually ended up not parallel to the perimeter joist?

It's a bit late now but there are a couple of "Hail Mary" options, some of which you already mentioned.

1. Try using a 2x8 for that last board and custom rip it so that if fits in against the railing nicely. It will overhang more at the front corner of the deck but you might consider building out the fascia board a bit to compensate.

2. Try the same concept just using two 2x6's but ripping the last one a bit narrower. If the fascia is built up it will give the illusion that the deck is square.

No simple solution to this after the fact challenge but those are a couple thoughts.

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