Installing a ledger board without a rim joist on 2nd story

by Clif
(New York)

I have older home that was built using 2x4's and noticed there is no rim joist between the 1st and 2nd floors. what additional considerations are there to attaching a ledger board ?

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May 02, 2011
Is it Balloon Framing?
by: Editor-Rich Bergman

It's tough to understand exactly what you are describing but my first thought is you have an old home and years ago balloon framing was common. I can't explain in great detail what it is other than to quickly say the 2x4 wall studs (they didn't use 2x6 often then) when from the sill plate on the foundation to the underside of the roof trusses.

Each upper floor had a horizontal ledger either nailed to the inside face of the 2x4s or blocked in between each 2x4 and the floor joists resting on top.

Tons of fire issues can arise from this and it is no longer in use except in rare building situations. So if any builder out there can help this fellow out please add your comments.

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