Bottom Railing Ideas to Hide Uneven Balusters
by Aspiring Deck Builder
We have just replaced the railings on our old deck.
Actually there were no railings there at all - just that green mess screening that you use in the garden. So we replaced that with standard 2x2 balusters or pickets . (Is that the right word?)
Anyway, it was the first time we have done this and are using a handsaw. So while the top railings are pretty flush and will be covered anyway by the handrail, the bottom ends are a bit rough.
We did our best to make them flush with the bottom joist but you cannot always get it right and on mass it is obvious that they are not even. Also because we are using a handsaw, we did a straight 90 degrees and did not taper them at all.
What I am wondering is if we can put a piece of decking along the bottom line of the balusters that extends just below them so that this will cover the rough uneven edges and give a smooth finish.
I have held a bit of decking up. It does look a little odd, but it would be okay I think.
In your opinion what is best to do here.