2 x 4 for floating deck using Deck Block Possible?

by Al
(Seattle, WA)

I am building a small (about 5 ft by 11 ft) rectangular floating deck to butt up to an already existing concrete block using these Deck Blocks. http://deckplans.com/how-it-works

Instructions say to use 2 x 6 as the supporting boards but, because of my grade situation, I would like to use 2 x 4's instead.

If I absolutely have to use 2 x 6's, is it okay to bury the extra 2 inches of the deck block in the soil? I live in Seattle where there is no frost problem but it is damp almost all year round.

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Jun 07, 2023
2x4 PT for deck joists and framing NEW
by: Anonymous

Since my deck was literally ground level I used 2x4" PT to build my deck about 16 years ago. It held up quite well except for one thing...I didn't treat the top of the boards with a water sealer or cover them with butyl tape to minimize the effects of water sitting on the wood and they eventually rotted on the top. Well this time, when I totally rebuilt my deck I covered each frame with butyl tape on the top edge and fully expect joist damage due to moisture to be minimal if not existent.

Mar 17, 2013
Deck Blocks will for fine for this job
by: Editor - Rich Bergman

Deck blocks are a great little invention that are truly your most affordable way of building a small floating deck like you describe.

The quick answer is yes you can use 2x4s with deck blocks to support your decking.

And yes if you do choose to use 2x6s you would have to carefully set that deck block a bit lower into the soil to keep the deck surface level.

But I would tell you that using 2x4s as joist is problematic. They are much weaker than 2x6s so you will have to have a much tighter joist spacing, certainly no more than 12" from center to center.

Secondly you will have to have many, many deck blocks along the length of each 2x4.

In fact you may have to have a block every 2-3' under each 2x4 to get rid of any bouncy feeling. Since it is a small deck it shouldn't be too bad.

And I think it will be your best option given your small deck.

But for the benefit of my other visitors, especially those building larger floating decks you should watch this video where I explain the benefits of the Titan Deck Foot Anchor.

It is a lot easier to set beams and framing as low as 2" above the grade and installation is effortless with a hand held impact wrench.

Explaining deck foot

Demonstrating deck foot

So I hope that helps. The Deck Blocks will work fine for you deck. It should turn out just fine.

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