These people gave me nothing other than an example of how to live life, treat people, and give the world your very best. It turns out that's everything you could ever teach someone.
Thanks to my mother and father, who taught me everything about working hard and staying focused and never giving up at something you love doing.
Thanks also to Murray R. You know who you are, and I have been blessed to have crossed your path and to have you as a friend and a mentor. I cannot imagine life without great people like these in it.
And thanks to my grandfather, who peacefully left this world in his 102nd year on his own terms.
You came to this country with nothing and built a great life and inspired a generation. There is nothing finer to offer this world.
You are my inspiration in so many ways. I hope I make you proud because I am so proud of what you achieved in your life.
Those who follow us will remember us in our early days as Ideas For Deck Designs and how humble our beginnings were. You may not also be aware of the efforts that have been undertaken to build and grow our site to
But it is significant and ongoing. It has been a natural evolution, and the way forward really presented itself to us.
We will continue growing our original content based on what we see happening and what you tell us you need to help you become a more informed Homeowner, a more capable DIY'er or a better Builder.